Jurisculture posts have discussed the
concept of athletes being citizens of a sporting community in addition to – or
sometimes rather than – being citizens of a country. These posts have
highlighted the ways in which sports are unifying forces that go beyond the
physicality of athleticism or the thrill of competition alone.
As a
corollary, this post examines the idea of sports as a bridge between life and
death concerns for athletes and how these concerns can become greater than an individual
athlete through the international attention sports can attract.
Recently, Belgian Paralympian Marieke Vervoort, a multiple medal winning wheelchair racer,
made headlines when there was speculation that she planned to commit suicide at
the conclusion of the Rio Paralympic games because she has announced that she
is retiring from the sport. Vervoort’s condition involves a painful and
life-altering degenerative condition of the spine. Since her diagnosis,
Vervoort’s symptoms have progressed to the point where they interfere with her
basic life functions. Despite this, she has remained a steadfast and dedicated
athlete, winning medals at several Paralympic games.
Under Belgian law, suicide is legal and in the past Vervoort has stated that she is
open to the idea of committing suicide at some point. Indeed, she has signed
the papers necessary for this to be carried out already. Media outlets, perhaps
with a sense of drama, made suggestions about her impending suicide seem as
though it would be the culmination of her having met her achievements at the
Rio games. Instead, Vervoort has explained that, while she does not intend to
take her life at the conclusion of the Rio games, knowing that the option for
suicide is available to her has given her hope. Her statements show another
side to an often negative topic – the empowering effect that legalized suicide
may have for some of those who suffer from crippling diseases.
Vervoort has not yet elected to utilize her own right to commit suicide, she
has turned the attention she has received into an opportunity to champion for
the expansion of legalized suicide laws in other countries. In this way, she is using the platform
available to her as an elite athlete to speak about an issue that is typically
not addressed by athletes or sports in general.
Vervoort demonstrates the potential for sports to create a bridge between life
and death while at the same time providing a platform for larger societal
issues. As an individual athlete, Vervoort is a part of the citizenship of
sport that has been involved in providing her with an identity and a source of
happiness. She has also found a way to use the status that comes with this
citizenship to advocate for issues that are often difficult to discuss in many
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